"Uncommon Sense"

Series: Come What May

"Uncommon Sense"

September 06, 2020 | Dr. Darren McClellan

Passage: Matthew 18:15-20

Series Information

From now to the end of October, our worship services will be digging in to the call of Moses and the challenges of navigating what was known literally and figuratively as the wilderness of Sin (Ex. 17:1).  With all of the obstacles that we see presently before us—for our families, our church, our community, our nation, and in the world—the pastors at Fairhope UMC can think of no better image to inform and inspire us than the memory of that story which began with a burning bush.    

Do you suppose that flame is still going?  How does God keep it, or us, from burning on without burning out?

In this series, we will be remembering the God who hears the cries of His children and works with them to deliver them up and out from the oppressive conditions of Egypt.  We will glean certain insight from the scriptures on how to make decisions in the midst of an otherwise divisive culture, and how to handle the perpetual grumbles and groans that so often come with community.  We will also reimagine our calling as Christ’s followers here at Fairhope UMC and dare to renew the pursuit of our own mission for the transformation of the world. 

We are excited about what God may reveal to us during this time.  God knows we could all use a fresh Word of hope.  There is nothing about our experience of 2020 that would suggest to us that this 3rd quarter of the year will be easy.  Even so, we believe that the Lord has collectively equipped us for this season (whether we know it or not) and will continue to prepare us for whatever it is that the Spirit would have us to do and to be.  As he promised Moses…Here I am!  So we believe that “I AM” is with us…on purpose…ready to deliver!

But friends, make no mistake about it: the way out of Egypt is hard.  This is also true for the realities of pandemic, prejudice, brutality, bias, addiction, aggravation, greed, gluttony and whole list of other forms of oppression.  These stories of Moses cover it all, and set the stage for the cross of Jesus Christ.  This way is the witness of scripture.  Therefore, as we approach the richness of the biblical tradition, our confession is pretty simple.  When our plans fall short and our patience worn thin, we need help.  We need understanding.  We need each other.  We need God.  

We are glad that you have chosen to worship with us.  Let us hear the good news together.

Come What May—Here I Am!