Paideia - Uniting Head and Heart (The Gathering Service)

Series: Reclaiming Our Roots

Paideia - Uniting Head and Heart (The Gathering Service)

September 15, 2019 | Rev. Laura Parker

Passage: Romans 12:1-2

Additional Scripture:
Luke 10:25-28

Series Information

What’s OUR story as a historically United Methodist Church? The focus of this series will be to introduce the faith of John and Charles Wesley, and to explore their distinctive contribution to our understanding of Christian theology and practice. The invitation is to recapture the Wesleys’ vision of making disciples, which involved a unique method of “both/and” rather than “either/or.”

What does that mean? It means we hope to see you on Sundays!

Preaching Schedule:

9/1 The Message: "Speaking of Grace"
      Sanctuary 8:30 (LP) 11:00 (LP) | 11:00 The Gathering (DM)

9/8 The Community:  "The Wonder of We:
      Sanctuary 8:30 (DM) 11:00 (DM) | 11:00 The Gathering (OC)

9/15  The Discipline:  "Solid Food"
         Sanctuary 8:30 (DM)  11:00 (DM) | 11:00 The Gathering (LP)

9/22  The Servanthood: "No Small Thing"
         Sanctuary 8:30 (DM)  11:00 (OC)  | 11:00 The Gathering (DM)