Fall Discipleship Classes

    July 25, 2024


    Daytime Studies: 
    Epic of Eden ~ Deborah: Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges

    This study explores the era of the Judges—the grand tale of Deborah and Barak, Jabin and Sisera, and the most unlikely of leaders, Jael. Old Testament Scholar, Dr. Sandra Richter takes participants to this important time in Old Testament History through the archaeological record, historical geography, and the hard facts of warfare in the ancient world. This study compels the modern reader to ask and answer three critical questions: What territory can you see from where you’re standing that you know belongs to the Kingdom, but is not yet won? Is it worth fighting for? Are you willing to step out on faith and trust God for the victory? A bonus lecture will address the biblical theology of women in ministry and Deborah’s role in that often-argued debate.

    Facilitated by Emily Garner and Michelle Graham. Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30 am.

    October 1st – November 19th. Cost of Materials: $25. Registration required.


    Living Prayer

    The text for this 6-week study will be “The Workbook of Living Prayer” by Maxie Dunnam, which offers daily readings and opportunities for personal reflection upon and the practice of prayer. Together with other participants, you will explore the nature, meaning, and possibilities of prayer. Maxie Dunnam writes, “Prayer is one of the greatest privileges given to Christians. When we pray, we experience communion with God, feel God’s presence, and receive God’s guidance.”

    Facilitated by John Hodgkins. Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30 am.

    September 4th – October 16th. Cost of Workbook: $14. Registration required. Limited Class Size.


    Weekly Bible Study ~ Through the Bible with Dr. Ann

    Come and study the scriptures with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Everyone is welcome!

    Facilitated by Dr. Ann Pearson. Wednesdays at 1:30 pm.

    Class is ongoing, no cost, registration not required. Location: Wesley Hall.


    Wednesday Night Studies


    Pastor’s Wednesday Night Drop-in Study

    This fall will feature our “pastor’s choice” each week. Get to know Pastor Michael as you explore the Bible together. Each class can stand on its own. This class is in the Fellowship Hall right after Wednesday supper!

    Facilitated by Rev. Michael Precht. Wednesdays, 6:10-7:10 pm.

    Begins September 11th.  No cost and no registration.


    Adventures in Prayer

    Would you like to broaden or deepen your prayer life? Find ways to connect with God in ancient, yet new ways? Join us as we learn about some common contemplative prayer practices; Lectio Divina, Visio Divina, Breath Prayers, Writing a Collect prayer, Walking the labyrinth, and more. Each class stands alone but are tied together as we find ways to walk more closely with God.

    Facilitated by Rev. Cathi Parish. Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:10 pm.

    September 11th through November 20. No Cost for Materials: Registration preferred, limited class size.


    Epic of Eden

    This is a 12-week study from Old Testament scholar, Dr. Sandra Richter. Through text and video teaching, Dr. Richter brings a new dimension to the history of the ancient Near East, orienting participants in time, geography, culture, redemption, and relevance for today. The Epic of Eden study is ideal for anyone eager for a strategic grasp of the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Old Testament and how it relates to God’s activity in the present. Facilitated by Rev. Laura Parker. Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm.

    September 11th through January of 2025, with break between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Cost of Materials: $25. Registration required.


    • Concurrent Wednesday night programs are offered for youth and children of all ages.
    • Nursery is provided on Wednesday nights for children 4 years and under. Parents using the nursery must be participating in an on-campus program and should indicate a need for nursery at the time you register.
    • Registration opens August 1st.